American Politics in Autrian Newspapers

That’s right. Capitalization is the Thing. Have a little Respect for your Words, Englishspeakers! … Not the Point, moving on.
I just saw a headline, I thought, I share with you. It’s a great example for how Austrian (and I guess most of european media) reports about the U.S. election. No one ever again should complain about the US media being biased for Obama, because you haven’t seen nothing, when you haven’t read Austrian newspapers. Headline of the Day today: “Illegal” Primaries: Democrats decide against Clinton”. First sentence: “H.C.s last chance to gain ground towards Obama vanished”
This is not the first time that the staff writer who really doesn’t speak english, is assigned to write an U.S. article using only english sources. An other headline: “Almost there: Obama wins!” (After he won Oregon, but not Kentucky)

So next time you see an election story supposedly biased for Obama, just think of us misderinformed europeans.